JEMSU - Web Design Company Reviews

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JEMSU Reviews
JEMSU Reviews
JEMSU Reviews

It might seem like a big task to deliver varying types of outputs with varying types and methods but the company is no stranger to creating marketing, branding, and advertising content for different types of media. JEMSU also manifest responsibility to society through its CSR projects. These projects vary depending on the location of the company office. The company highly values their employees who are experts at creating brand content for a variety of industries that include banking, healthcare, government, real estate, and travel. The digital and creative design agency prides itself on being entrusted with key projects by major companies/organizations which include, but are not limited to, Pepsi, Cisco, and Standard Chartered. They engage in what they call ‘Vertical Landscape’ which includes a mapping of interconnected industries. Their project management process clearly focuses on client needs and includes regular meetings and updates. JEMSU gives transparency a whole new take with clients being regularly updated on the status of their commissioned work.

Reviews of JEMSU

  • Medium
Overall rating:

Colorado, Aspen
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